PTA Meeting Minutes
March 4, 2015
Welcome Haylie Worthen
Acceptance of Minutes Judy Davidson
Motion to accept the February 2015 minutes-Haylie Worthen
Second-Sharie Rivera
Treasurer's Report Rachelle Kimball
Review budget
Balance $15,598.93
Principal Report Mrs. Johnson
Dr. Seuss challenge is motivating the students to read
Please with the direction the school is going in
Teacher Report Mrs. Rivera
Incoming Board Vote Haylie Worthen
2015-2016 PTA Board
President- Jammie Brooks
President Elect-Rachelle Kimball
Secretary-Judy Davidson
Treasurer-Marnee Lemon
Legislative VP-Wendy Belcher
Leadership VP-Tanya Conrad
Membership-Allison Paul
Unanimous vote taken
Discussion of Events
Reading Contest-Final Update
Jazz reading contest:
Top student reader earned 2 Jazz upper bowl tickets
Jazz donated Papa Johns pizza party for class who read the most minutes—Mrs. Mangum’s class
School donated pizza party to the next top classes (one upper and one lower grade): Mrs. Sorensen and Mrs. Woolstenhulme classes
Golden Apple Mrs. Skillicorn—made region
Recognize other volunteers—Grandparent volunteers
Each candidate needs a 100 words or less nomination statement-Wendy Belcher will help with the write ups
Teacher Appreciation Week
Kimberly Davis-Chair
Sego Lily Elem-Happiest Place on Earth
Teachers chose Disney character
Monday-Adventures in Wonderland—tea party at teacher’s mtg, students can wear hats
Tuesday-Mickey Mouse clubhouse—teachers will be given Mickey Ears, students will also get Mickey ears; Mickey breakfast
Wednesday-Return to Neverland—teachers get pin and candy bar; students bring treasure for their teacher
Thursday-Big Hero 6
Friday-Pirate’s feast
Next Year Idea-use money generally used for teacher appreciation week to buy something for the workroom or lounge??
Book Fair
How can we make more money? Book fair was smaller this year. District determines dates of SEP…dates same as Granite SD…smaller selection of books in February. Difficult to find volunteers. Other better options to make money?
Newsletter-ASAP info for newsletter
Council Meeting-Haylie Worthen
Upcoming Events:
Next PTA Board Mtg. April 1
PTA Council Mtg. March 10
Reading Contest Awards March 10
Birthday Table March 26
Good Choice Store March 30
Teacher Appreciation Week March 30-April 3
Council Awards Lunch April 28