Wednesday, September 9, 2015

PTA Meeting Sept. 2, 2015

PTA Meeting
Sego Lily Elementary
Wednesday, Sept 2, 2015
Hours Volunteering
Membership Status
Amy Atkinson
Amy Peterson

Wendy Belcher
Lara Bangerter
Ashley McDaniel

Marnee Lemon
Rachelle Kimball
Natasha Pratt

Erika Rose
Seth Cox (via conf call)


Acceptance of Minutes: Jammie Brooks 
Motion to accept by  Ashley McDaniel, Amy Atkinson 2nd.
Motion to accept by Jammie Brooks.  
Accepted unanimously

Treasurer:  Marnee Lemon
Budget approved unanimously last week.  
$365 for carnival 
$ Brought in:
$516 on membership
$961 on t-shirts
Carnival $2279 (donations - $1600, Tickets $679) 
We made $2000 on Pre-Sell tickets last year.  

Balance as of today:  $17,223.53

Principal:  Not in attendance

Teacher Rep: Not in attendance.  We don't know who the teacher rep is.

Mr. Harvey interrupted to ask if we could get the fire department to help us hang the carnival sign.  Jammie has arranged to have them come this morning at 10am.  

**Marnee explained that we cannot reimburse without a receipt, period.  In order to receive a reimbursement, please fill out a check request form.  Copies of this form can be found in the PTA drawer in the copy room.
Fill out the form, attach the receipt and put it in the drawer to get it to the Treasurer. 
If you need reimbursement asap, let Marnee know   

Allison has not emailed membership info. 
We have 86 members as of today. 
There are a few more pending.  

Carnival: Erika Rose  
We are on track.
Weather looks to be good for outdoor event.
We need more help with concessions, etc.  
Can we use our membership emails to contact general membership to ask for help?  Yes
There was one person who asked that their info not be shared. 
Can we have her email every parent?  Yes
Erika will check with Haylie and Allison about sending out mass email.
We can use both trailers to store things, but we need to respect OT and Adaptive therapy/space.  They use them once a week.  We don't know what day/time?    Try to keep things off to the side.  
Mrs. Johnson says we could use Robinson's room or Hutchen's room to wrap auction items. 
We will use Hutchen's room.  We can use those desks as well.  
We will wrap auction items on Tues at 9:30 am in Hutchen's room.  
Chuck will have Hutchen’s room cleared out by Tuesday. 
He will leave at least 15 desks in there for us to use for the sculptures

We have 780 students attending Sego Lily Elem. right now

Carnival set up will begin on Thursday, Sept 10 at 12:30 pm. 
We need as much help as possible then.  
Leadership: Lara Bangerter

"Leadership is more like a baton than a trophy.  You keep a trophy, but pass a baton . . . “

The procedure book is still MIA.  We are trying to collect pieces to reform it.  
All committee chairs, please copy the description of responsibilities found in the committee binder and email it to
It would be helpful if you could send her a description of what your responsibilities are this year and what they were  last year, if you are doing something different, to try and cover all areas.  
Please try to include timelines, flyers, handouts, resources needed, people who helped.  
Electronic files best so Lara can create a digital copy of it as well as a hard copy

Committee Updates:  
Red Ribbon Week:  New Chair:  Natasha Pratt cell 801-362-7091
Rachelle will get her the binder. 
Please identify yourself to Natasha the first time you text her.   
Tasha will lay out her plan at the next mtg. on Oct 7.
Red Ribbon Week is scheduled for Oct 19-23 
There is no School that Monday so we will have activities T-F.
Marnee has scheduled the Jump Rope assembly set up for Friday.  Thank you, Marnee. 
Jenna Rohtinsky and Stephanie Lutz will organize and run (no pun intended) the 5K.
Jammie will email Natasha Pratt and Lara Bangerter the list of volunteers who signed up  for RRW.
RRW Budget is $1300, Assembly cost $550.

Reflections:  Anita Lindstrom, Chair.  Jammie will email Anita to confirm that she is still chairing.  
Dudes/Donuts:  starts this Friday a-f
Birthday Table:  Sarah Brown, Chair.  Will start this Friday and will be open the first Friday of each  month.
Good Choice Store:  Ashley McDaniel, Chair.  It will begin this month and will be open the last Monday of every month.
Room Parent Fiesta:  successfully accomplished.  All teachers have room parents.

SEP Dinners:  Amy Peterson, Chair. Budget is $250 per fall spring, $125 per night.
She will try to go cheaper on first and more elaborate on the 2nd. 
Tasha requests we serve nothing to make for bad breath (based on experience).
Possible meals: Sandwiches, soup, salad. 
Dates for Fall SEP’s: Oct 6 & 8. 
Be sure to portion food out so those teachers who come later get enough to eat. 
Amy will plan to have enough food for Teachers and office staff only. 
Amy will double check on how many people to plan for. 
Walmart sandwiches the best deal.  Soup is nice to offer more variety.   

Book Fair: Paulee Gregory and Tonya Conrad, Co-chairs. 
To be open Oct 5-9.
Please be available to help with set-up, shifts, and take-down. 
They need to decide on set up dates and times
Usually they are the Friday before, which would be Oct 2, at 2:30pm.
Tear down would likely be on Friday Oct 9 at 9:30 am.  

Emergency Kits: Erika Rose, Chair.
We will meet after Carnival is over to get the ball rolling. 
They hope to have kits put together by the first of October. 
Some teachers take care of their own kits; we cover those who don't.  
Tasha's former school has some blankets and a first aid kit in every room in addition to their emergency kits.  They were snowed in at school overnight.  
T-Shirts:  Dorothy, $961 sold so far
Take Home Library:  Julia Whitehead, Chair.  Starts on Sept 14 (post carnival)
Newsletter:  Haylie Worthen, Chair.  She will get one out this Friday.  
Send anything you want on it to Haylie asap. 
This will be separate from the Carnival flyer.  Be sure to include Book Fair and Reflections info.
Haylie will try to send out Newsletter on Friday, Sept 4.  
FYI Hearing screening is today

Copies:  Be sure to use copy code (found taped on the inside of the pta drawer) and paper in the drawer before taking it out of stock.

Strengthening Families:  It's a conference to which 50 families are invited.  There are classes on how to manage family life. 
We need to prepare a meal for it, the LDS church provides the food. 
Food to be prepared will be delivered Oct 5, we cook it and deliver it on Oct 6.   
It will be held at Lehi Jr. High. 
Jammie will clarify how much food we will be responsible for preparing.  
We are unsure how much help we will need.  

School Safety:  Do we want to have Officer Peterson come discuss security and safety at the school with teachers and staff?  The doors in our school are complicated to lock if there is an emergency.  Can we donate any $ toward the cost of re-keying locks that need it?  As of last year it cost $120 per lock.  We will put this on the agenda for the next meeting.  Jammie will give Mrs. Johnson a heads up about our interest in pursuing it.  
The PTA feels this is an important safety measure that should be addressed to make it easier for teachers to lockdown their classrooms.  

Upcoming Dates: 

Labor day Sept 7
Carnival Sept 10
School Pics Sept 24
Vision Screening Sept 28
Book Fair Oct 5-9
SEP's Oct 6 & 8
Strengthen Family Oct 6

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

PTA Meeting Aug. 26, 2015

Minutes from General PTA Meeting
August 26, 2015


Attendance for 8/26/15 General PTA Mtg
Member Y/N
Jammie Brooks
Courtney Johnson
Ashley McDaniel
Amy Atkinson
Warren Brandow
Kristy McEwan
Allison Paul
Erika Rose
Marnee Lemon
Julia Whitehead

Haylie Worthen
Wendy Belcher
Chris Belcher
Seth Cox

Rachelle Kimball
Osiris Salgado


Welcome:  Jammie Brooks

Explanation of 2015-16 Budget:  Marnee Lemon
Proposed budget will be voted upon by the general membership rather than the detailed budget in order to allow more flexibility.   

No questions on Admin section, Individual Development section, or Community involvement section.  

Question about what RAD kids in Health, Safety and Welfare teaches from Wendy Belcher.  
RAD kids is a safety and empowerment program that teaches and allows kids to practice skills
to protect themselves from dangerous situations and prepare themselves to avoid danger.  
- stranger danger
-bike safety
-internet safety
-self defense

No questions on Education or Family Life sections.

Ashley McDaniel  asked if we are voting on the actual activities listed in the budget or just the amounts of money delineated for each category.  Marnee explained that we are voting on the amounts budgeted for each category (Administrative, Individual Development, etc.).     She also explained that we vote on the broader categories rather than the more detailed budget so we only have to vote on the budget once a year, rather than once a month.  This also allows the PTA board some flexibility in case of overages and shortfalls among the different activities.  

Seth Cox asked where extra money goes if we make more than projected at the Carnival.  
Marnee explained that in the past we have used surplus monies to purchase smart boards and the electronic marquee.  We can also offer grants to Sego Lily Elementary teachers or decide to take a year off of fundraising, if there was enough surplus  to cover the budget for another year.  
Rachelle Kimball explained that those decisions would be made in future PTA meetings if there were a budgetary surplus.  

It was proposed that we vote on passing the 2015-16 Sego Lily PTA Budget.  
The vote to pass the 2015-16 Sego Lily PTA Budget was unanimous.

Carnival Update from Erika Rose:
We are getting a lot of great auction donations from local businesses
We now have 3 official Business Sponsors who have donated $500
One business has offered to pay the cost of 4 ponies.  
We will be renting bounce houses as well.

There is a need for help covering shifts selling concession items (snow cones, cotton candy, soda, etc.)   We did not get many volunteers sign up for those shifts at the Back to School night.  
Courtney Johnson said she would gladly help sell concessions all night instead of going in the dunk tank.  We all agreed that would be fine.   Courtney also agreed to ask teachers to sign up to sell concessions.  
Osiris Salgado also said she could help sell concessions.  

It was stated that 1/3 of the General PTA meetings will be schedule for an evening.  
They will be on Wednesday, November 4th and Wednesday, February 3 at 7 p.m. in the Sego Lily Elementary Library.  

Marnee mentioned that it is possible to have any member of the PTA participate in a meeting via Facetime.  
Seth Cox expressed interest in attending the next daytime meeting via a Google Hangout.  He and Wendy Belcher will coordinate to set that up for the next meeting to be held on Wednesday, September 2 at 9:30 a.m..