Tuesday, July 28, 2015

PTA Meeting July 21, 2015

PTA Budget Meeting
Sego Lily Elementary
July 21, 2015

1. Budget-Marnee
Discussed budget and made adjustments

2. Back to School Night 
Monday, August 17th 4-6pm
Set up tables—membership, t-shirts, PTA
Set up on 10am

3. Signers on Bank Acct
Marnee, Jammie, and Rachelle will set up

4. Renew Insurance

5. Procedure Book 
Create a new one (Lara):
Monthly minutes
Monthly budget

6. Tracking Volunteer Hours
Send around a sign up to people who attend PTA mtgs and have them write down their volunteer hours

7. Set up Monthly PTA Meetings 
August 26th-7:00pm-General PTA Mtg (approve budget, look for volunteers, informational meeting)
Attendance sheet-name and member/non-member
Wendy will take minutes at this meeting

September 2nd-9:30am-PTA Mtg.
Wendy will take minutes

August 19th 1st day of school