Wednesday, January 13, 2016

PTA Meeting Jan. 6, 2016

Sego Lily PTA Board Meeting
January 6, 2016

Welcome                                                                        Jammie Brooks

Accept November Minutes                                               Marnee Lemon
Motion to accept the December 2015 minutes- Marnee Lemon
Second-Amy Atikinson

Treasure Report                                                              Marnee Lemon
Discussed budget expenditures for December

Principal Report                                                              Mrs. Johnson
All but one of the intruder locks has been installed.  Chuck will teach teachers how to use them.

There may be shortages for 5th grade Clear Creek fees.  School is cutting back on fundraising and may request the PTA to help cover the cost.  School fundraiser is coming up.  Mrs. Johnson will let us know how it goes.

Weeds on the playground have been sprayed.  Courtney will talk to Chuck about changing watering times because it was mentioned that football teams cover the sprinklers during their practices.  The watering affects the growth of the grass and the weed problems.

Teacher Report                                                               Mrs. Daly
Teachers loved the Christmas luncheon and appreciated it very much!

President Report                                                             Jammie Brooks

Science Fair
We need to supply 100 gift bags and soda.  Marnee will talk to Ashley about extra prizes from Good Choice Store.  Wendy mentioned that the Papermart website has gift bags for really cheap.

Radkids starts January 25th for younger grades.

Winter SEP dinners
Liz Knutsen and Cathryn Prestwich are taking care of this.  Jammie will call Amy Peterson to get information from Fall SEP’s to give to Liz.

Battle of the Books
We’d like to buy 2 sets for the 5th and 6th grade.

Crome books
It was decided not to purchase these right now.

Awards are due Feb. 10th
Golden Apple – Mrs. Ahlstrom
Council Awards:    Teacher – Mrs. Ahlstrom
          Volunteer – Ericka Rose
          Staff – Lana Lay
          Student – (Mrs. Johnson will work with teachers to determine this.)

Macey’s Perks
We will have our school cents day on February 5th.  Rachelle Kimball, Lara Bangerter, and Jammie Brooks will go to Macey’s to bag groceries and greet shoppers from 10 am – 12 pm.

We will have PTA sign ups at SEP’s on February 2nd and February 4th.  Rachelle Kimball will get the sign up sheets ready.  Lara Bangerter can help at the table on Thursday.  Jammie can help too.

Book Fair
Book Fair is covered. Tanya Conrad and Paulee Gregory are taking care of it.

Next PTA meeting:
February meeting was supposed to be in the evening, but has been changed to a morning meeting because of SEP’s.

Upcoming Events:

Lehi Council meeting                                    January 13
Martin Luther King Day – No School             January 19
Good Choice Store                             January 23
Birthday Table                                             January 29
Science Fair                                       January 29 – 30
SEP Dinners for Teachers                            February 2nd, 4th
Book Fair                                                     February 2nd – 4th
School Cents Day @ Macey’s                      February 5
Next PTA Meeting                                        February 3


Amy Atkinson
Jammie Brooks
Marnee Lemon
Rachelle Kimball
Wendy Belcher
Lara Bangerter
Haylie Worthen
Mrs. Johnson

Mrs. Daly