Wednesday, February 3, 2016

PTA Meeting Feb. 3, 2016

PTA Board Meeting-Minutes
February 3, 2016
Sego Lily Elementary

Welcome                                                               Jammie Brooks

Accept Minutes                                                      Judy Davidson
Motion to accept the January 2016 minutes-Jammie Brooks
Second-Rachelle Kimball

Treasurer Report                                                   Marnee Lemon
Budget is up to date

Principal’s Report                                                  Mrs. Johnson
Intruder locks are all installed
One fund raiser for the whole year for the school-Jet Blue raffle

Teacher’s Report                                                   Mrs. Daly

Macy Perks                                                                    Rachelle Kimball
Friday, February 5, 10am-12pm
Macys in Lehi

2016/2017 Board Nominations                                Rachelle Kimball
Still need a Membership VP
Carrie Bean could use a couple more instructors for next year
Lots of help needed for Carnival, including the chair, auction coordinator,  business sponsors, prizes, concession, volunteers, advertising, food trucks, grab bags

Update on Battle of the Books                                Wendy Belcher
Set of three books for 3rd and 4th grade classes and one set of books for 5th and 6th grade classes

Awards Update                                                      Wendy Belcher
Finish up/collect letters

PTA Leadership                                                     Wendy Belcher
Utah Legislative is in session
Go to, click on the legislative tab for a list of current bills being discussed that impact the lives of children

President’s Report                                                 Jammie Brooks

Needs Assessment
Survey to parents from the PTA-March-May
Separate assessment for teachers                        

PTA Council Needs
Council is splitting next year into two councils
Secretary and President Elect is needed; one volunteer from Sego Lily
Nova Graduation   
February 22nd                                             

PTA Leadership Convention     
May 11-12th, in Utah Valley Convention Center      


Upcoming Dates:

Feb 5                                        Birthday Table
Feb 15                                      President’s Day-no school
Feb 26                                      PTA Day at the State Capitol
Feb 29                                      Good Choice Store
Sept 8                                      School Carnival

Next PTA Meeting March 2nd    Voting on New Officers

Jammie Brooks
Rachelle Kimball
Wendy Belcher
Haylie Worthen
Judy Davidson
Amy Atkinson
Mrs. Johnson

Mrs. Daly