Wednesday, March 2, 2016

PTA Meeting Mar. 2, 2016

PTA Board Meeting-Minutes
March 2, 2016
Sego Lily Elementary

Welcome                                                               Jammie Brooks

Accept February Minutes                              Judy Davidson
Motion to accept the February 2016 minutes-Marnee Lemon
Second-Jammie Brooks

Treasurer Report                                                   Marnee Lemon
Discuss budget
Spent-$60 for Nova cookies and $193 for SEP dinners

Principal’s Report                                                  Mrs. Johnson
Fundraiser survey-majority liked the Jet Blue fundraiser
(only 85 responses)

Teacher’s Report                                                   Mrs. Daly

Macy's Perks Update                                             Rachelle Kimball

Teacher Appreciation Week                                   Liz Knuteson
Book theme-activities/treats surrounding books
Send out info to the room moms
Find committee members (5)
Meeting-March 9, 9:30am at Sego Lily

Vote for New PTA Officers                                     Jammie Brooks
President-Rachelle Kimball
President Elect-Wendy Belcher
Secretary-Allison Paul
Treasurer-Marnee LemonLegislative VP-Haylie Worthen
Leadership VP-Jammie Brooks
Public Relations VP-Judy Davidson
Membership VP-Rachel Duvall
Administrative VP-Courtney Johnson

Vote was unanimous

Discuss Needs Assessment                                  Jammie Brooks
Send out survey

Discuss PTA Luncheon                                          Jammie Brooks
Thank you brunch for all the volunteers at the school
Email room moms to find out classroom volunteers
May 4 at 9:30am

Strengthening Family Dinner                                  Jammie Brooks
Fall and Spring
March 15th
3 volunteers to make part of the meal and deliver to the Junior High School

Teacher Grant
Mrs. Harris is asking for a new binding machine for the teacher’s room.
Proposal to buy a new machine-Rachelle Kimball
1st-Marnee Lemon
2nd-Jammie Brooks

Upcoming Dates

March 4                          Birthday Table
March 4                          Maturation Program
March 7                          Professional Development Day-No School
March 15                        Strengthening Family Dinner
March 28                        Good Choice Store
March 28                        1st Day Teacher Appreciation Week 
April 1                             Birthday Table 
April 4-8                          Spring Break
April 13                           Next PTA Meeting


Lara Bangerter
Amy Atkinson
Amber Daley
Marnee Lemon-20 hrs
Wendy Belcher
Judy Davidson-4 hrs
Courtney Johnson
Rachael Duvall
Rachelle Kimball
Liz Knuteson
Jammie Brooks
Amanda Ellsworth
Paulee Gregory
Seth Cox

Hayley Worthen